CESISP laboratorio Reti distribuzione gas

Gas distribution service: a concrete proposal to start with projects and investments

The gas distribution infrastructures are a patrimony of the country for their capillarity and consistency. However, there is an urgent need for requalification and development.  The implementation of the European directives on the liberalisation of the gas sector dates back to 2000 (DL 164/200) and the ATEM Tendering Decree (Minimum Territorial Ambits) to 2011. The path was to start in 2014 and end in 2017. Out of 177 ATEMs, to date, tenders have been activated for a derisory number.  What do local authorities and companies expect? What are the knots? Who should do what?

These are just some of the questions that arise and are recurrent in those who work in the gas distribution service. The ATEM Contracting Stations have started the publication of the first Calls for Tender in accordance with DM 221/11, but the plan does not take off. CESISP proposes its own WORKING PAPER to start a discussion and propose a competent and independent observatory.


November 12 – 2018

CESISP University of Milano-Bicocca

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